Bishakha Raviraj

I am Bishakha Raviraj, an enterpreneur Quilter/ Upcycler, and Educator for various forms of quilting techniques. I am originally from Mumbai and now settled in Bangalore, Karnataka. i run a small quilting unit called "rags to Quilts for the past 13 years in BANGALORE.
we specialise in various types of Quilts from Bed bedding to face portrait quilts to traditional kau-dhi handmade quilts to upcycled saree quilts and more. to know more about me and my journey you can click 'About'.
Basava Bulls from the streets of Bengaluru, Karnataka
Crafting Stories Through Quilts
At Rags To Quilts, we craft stories into quilts. An idea that can be transferred into an art quilt with play of fabrics. Learn to create from an idea to visualization to final outcome. Using techniques like applique, reverse applique, confetti technique, patchwork etc.

Kaptivated Series Podcast
As a part of the campaign to educate and popularize quilting in India, I started the 'Kaptivated Series Podcast' on You tube. Guests from diffent areas of interest are invited and we chat about them. Quilters, artists, specialised occupations, people who make a difference in the society are interviewed here. To listen to our episodes click on the link below...

Social Responsibilities & Education
We understand that teaching for various social causes is a part of our vision. We conduct classes for NGOs, Women's Organization's, Learning skills centers, schools & colleges regularly. You can get in touch with us with a requirement like this, we shall be glad to be of assistance.